Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sheng as the new form of English and Swahili mixed together

This website is a great source of seeing the differences between not only English and Swahili but with the new form called Sheng. (If you are research on your own for more info on Sheng, know that it is also a instrument played in China).

A brief example the website provides is:
Sheng:                English:
"Breeze"           "hanging out with a girl"
details of "Breeze"
Pronounciation bri-iz
Area of origin Unknown 
First year around Unknown 
Meaning Hang around without a girl (usually in a function/event) 
Usage I don't want to pace for that funky then I end up having to breeze bana! = I don't want to go to a function where I won't get me a girl!

"Bakes"           "Money"
Pronounciation beks
Area of origin Unknown 
First year around Unknown 
Meaning Money 
Usage I'm bila bakes leo = I don't have any money today   

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