Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Derived Words from other Languages

On the theme of Dictionaries I think it is also apt to include which words or at least how words within the Swahili Language have been influenced on other languages than just English. It may be a little off topic for our class but could prove interesting.
Swahili itself derives about 35% of its words from Arabic as as well as other African Languages into their vocab.
Also the African Union (AU) doesn't recognize Swahili as an official language in its 52 African States. Falling under the umbrella of the "African Academy of Languages," Arabic, French, English and Portuguese are the official yet not necessarily considered the "working" languages of each country. As of 2007 Swahili and Spanish weren't incorporated.
However the translation of documents among the different languages is exceedingly difficult because they are not the "working" languages. Meaning it will prove difficult to find books published in the Vernacular of Swahili. 


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