Monday, November 9, 2009

East African English Syntax from Mesthrie and Bhatt

Resumptive pronouns in relative clauses (pp. 82-83):

  • The guests whom I invited them have arrived.

Positive questions presuppose the answer 'X did happen' while negative questions insinuate that 'X did not happen' (pp. 87-88):

Q: Didn't you see anyone at the compound?

A: Yes, I didn't see anyone at the compoud.

P1: I hope you won't have any difficulty with your fees next term.

P2: I hope so.

Examples of what the authors call an undeletion pattern in African Englishes (they don't specify East African English), all from page 91:

  1. Come what may come.
  2. He made me to do it.
  3. As you know that I am from the Ciskei.
  4. The man who I saw him was wearing hat.

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