Thursday, October 22, 2009

YouTube video with examples of Kenyan English

Here's a quick video with an interview of a speaker of Kenyan English:


And here's the script:

Martin Dungu Kamandi: “The Sunday Catholic program is a five hours program. Full of Catholic music and Catholic teachings and everything that entails Catholic. The first of all is a prayers station where we have prayers: callers praying. And we also have the Catholic prayers and the Catholic music.”

Martin Dungu Kamandi: “...[R]epresents the saints of the coming week and the feasts. Between 7 am to 8 am we have a recorded holy mass. That is we record. And on 8 to 9 we have a discussion and then 9 to 10 is exit hour where we have greetings, callings and some teaching of the Catholic faith.”

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