Thursday, October 29, 2009

Some additional notes

Speech Accent Archives:

- leave out transition words such as "a", "the", "at"
- Fricatives become [s] instead of [z]
- Some plurals are left off entirely
- Vowels lengthen or shift to become entirely different sounds
- R's are rolled, usually if in the middle of the word
- Emphasis in the word often determines part of the accent

1 comment:

  1. "an" is left out of sentences as well. Instead it is replaced with prefixes that in themselves relay how the word is meant to be understood. There are no gender classifications as well. Usually a "M" pronounced as a short "um", "Wa", or "Ki" become the prefixes.
    The emphasis is usually placed on the second to last syllable, ex: watu [people],)"wa" would be pronounced), Karibu [welcome]("ri" would be pronounced), Kswahili [swahili language]("hi" would be pronounced).


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