Thursday, October 29, 2009

Kanyoro stress pattern list (1991)

Kanyoro has a small list of East African English words (pp. 403-404):

  1. safari = journey
  2. sufuria = a cooking pan
  3. Ujamaa = the Tanzanian form of socialism

She also has a list of stress pattern distinctions between British English and East African English (p. 408):

British English Stress Kenyan English Stress
‘execute exe’cute
pho’tography photo’graphy
‘demonstrate demon’strate
‘argument argu’ment
‘convict (n) con’vict (n)
‘progress (n) pro’gress (n)
‘present (n) pre’sent (n)

Kanyoro, M. R. A. (1991). The Politics of the English Language in Kenya and Tanzania. In J. Cheshire, English Around the World: Sociolinguistic Perspectives (pp. 402-419). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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